Sunday, May 29, 2005

[ sOo HapPy! ]

yeah.. the above's title's kinda cliche.. arh. but who cares? I'm happy. That's all that matters? (i can hear MA's "yeah!!")

Today's fun fun fun. Though i was terribly LATE for meeting Mary Ann, she was really patient to wait for me.. coz i overslept- woke up at 12 noon when that's the exact time i'm supposed to meet her.. (and guess WHO set the time? me.) its a loooonngggg story of why-i-overslept and i shall cut it short by telling u guys that its coz I woke up at 7am to go marketing.

ahh. I make such a good housewife, dont I?

Anyway, we made bacon-less potato salad coz we were on tight budget- it wasnt tt bad though it would have been perfect with bacons.. but nah.. we are just too poor for that. Besides, we were eating too much JUNK food. Yesh. JUNK FOOD. juNk fOoD and more jUnK. and nope, we're not playing basketball anymore, so our waistline just expands like its nobody's business. And yesh..

I FEEL FAT!!!! fat! -clap! clap!- so fat! -clap! clap!- argh..

grow fat and be merry.---best done with MA (heh..-___-")
its true since we're so comfortable w each other and loves eating and eating and talking and eating when we have nothing to do. We eat to kill time.

We made Japanese Curry with Spaggetti for dinner too! it's delicious! (pls see MA's blog for pictures) it was a little watery but its still ok. MA's definitely improving in her cookery skills! haha.. We'll have so much fun cooking in hostel next time!

And guess WHAT? I'm so hooked on World of Warcraft tt i'm gg to MA's place to play it again and hopefully, i can borrow from QJ's sis this sunday..

A high-class taitai plays World of Warcraft.

- Loves...

[a stranger's sorrow]
Between departure and arrival,
what is there? We are suspended
in a space capsule, communications all dead.

Its sad, disheartening- almost heartbreaking. Who are you? To think you have any right to voice your utter displeasure? Well, what can you expect from family genes? They replicate, dont you know? You thought you did well, didnt you? Well, you thought wrong. so wrong from the start.

From the moment you tried cooking for the family; from the moment you decided to do any 'dirty' housework by your kindness- you werent appreciated. You never was, never has been & never will be.

Not that you deserved to be appreciated-but in actual fact, you, perhaps, deserved to be scorned. Your dirtiness, sloppiness, laziness- they dont fit into a perfect structure of how a perfect family is to be run.To them, you are the epitome of these. O how They have tolerated you! And their patience- it is running thin. You should have expected it.

Too bad you didnt. Its just
Too Bad.

The girl in the portrait,
shows a stranger's face.
It does not match yous.

- Loves...

Monday, May 16, 2005

[ girls- strange creatures of the world ]

Moi voice's SEXY. -cough- coz I'm losing it to Cough...

I'm beginning to get buzy again- and i like the spontaneity of it - going here, there in the last min, planning to get together again like of out the blue.. I love meeting all moi friends. and though money now flows in a one-way traffic, I'm still glad i quit moi boring disguesting mundane office job.

Been writing letters: but always forget to send... -___-"' (sorry guys!)

I really enjoyed moi day with Mary Ann - it was on a tuesday. 'been looong since i last went out with her, we always say we will, but it happens only once or twice a year. (coz of buzy buzy JC life) But not to worry now that we'll be in the same course and, hopefully in the same class as well. And I know we'll share the same dorm- so no worries abt that now! I'm so glad how we can still talk like we did in primary and secondary school- doesnt seem to have an end! Its good to have someone who shares the same feelings as u do- like how shitty NS is and what it is doing to our boyfriends. and yes, how JEALOUS we can get just to see our guy look at a girl he doesnt even know personally- yes, its a serious offence and it gets on our nerves.

And sometimes girls just feel sad and lonely for no reason. They are strange creatures- there can be a period of time when, though surrounded by ppl, their inner self will for some reason isolate itself from the whole self- that's when u feel extrememly lonely even though u're with everybody. It almost feels like the real you is invisible and u're just watching your character in a group of ppl talking and smiling to them but you cant actually connect to them or to urself in the screen to reach out to them; and neither can they reach out to the real you through your shadow amist're just watching urself on screen, in slow motion, with no control over what happens- though u kinda know how things will turn out coz its pure etiquette and human behavior. (like how ppl ask "how are u?" and u say, "I'm fine, thank you"). The people are there, but not there.

It feels pretty weird- but that's how you'll feel lonely and then sad. And then for some reason, cry coz the world seems to ignore you and you seem to be reduced to just a mere shadow.

And its worse when your boyfriend isnt here with you.

That's when u have friends like Mary ann, who can do just a good job as your boyfriend to pull you out of this la la land.

we're strange, arent we?

- Loves...

I'm finally FREE from bOndage! Fresh Air and coOl BreEze.. HERE I come. Tho i miss earning $$ so that i can spend. but nah. I can finally start doing what i like..

LoOking After this little baby. Let me introduce Kayen PoOn, my cousin's baby son. He's only a few days old in here:

sleEp yAwnz

- Loves...

oOh.. Brave New World.. Posted by Hello

- Loves...

Act cOoL Posted by Hello

- Loves...

Bleah! Heheh Posted by Hello

- Loves...

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Rain. How it is so in my heart. moOdy.
coz Dearie's still out field.

O Dreary dreary day!
How u make my mood so grey.

There's just so much to tell him- I've completed ONE whole book of letters for him and I'm already into my SECOND book... haiz.. that that's only at day#24 without him..I guess I'll have a whole library of them by the end of his 2 years in NS. (eh. he reads them at weekends.. so i guess its like EuNewsWeek compiled into books.) I din know I could write so much.. maybe i'm just long-winded? o_O NAH!

I love Class 95 coz there's so much classic in it and I LOVE jazzy sexy classic. Its better than druming ur ears to death with over-punkish-hard-rock-metal music which sounds no better than a child clashing pans and woks together with the cracking thunder and the screeching of car tires. Yeah. u got it.

- Loves...

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Today's buzy busy BUZY. Damn. I know they're using me to their full advantage before I can leave the company. The 1st Sat of the month is always the WORSE. Damn. Its so freaking sickening and tiring coz u get ALL sorts of parents coming to pay for their kids' tuition fees. ALL SORTS.

I mean, aunties with fat and flabby arms, saggy skin, oily face and REBONDED blond hair. They wear their whole BOTTLE of foundation and squeeze themselves into tight skin hugging skimpy spags and halters, complete with a totally mismatched short shorts thats so tight u're afraid their blood circulation stops just there and that they may just collapse onto the counter u're at- crushing u with their weight.

What could be worse than when all The Aunties Of the World Unite, walking up and down the counter like its an aisle for their fashion parade and demanding that we serve them like they are Taras? Some are born, unfortunately, with a face which says "Hit Me Baby! (one more time)" or maybe its their pencil-thin eyebrows which looks like plastic strips of black tape pasted unto their faces. Or their marker-drawn eyeliners and deeply crayoned blue eyeshadow. I'm sorry if you're eating now, I dont mean to make you puke.

I shall spare you from further groteques details.

Anyway, some are disgustingly demanding. Its like they expect you to clean the shit off their ass or pluck out their aimlessly-grown nose hair for them. I espcially hate it when I hand them the nets machine for them to punch their PIN and they take it that I am HOLDING IT OUT FOR THEM TO PUNCH THEIR FREAKING PIN when its freaking obvious that i'm holding it at its edge so that they can HOLD IT THEMSELVES and key; and they when they do irritate me by punching while I am holding it, it falls off my hand and they expect me to PICK IT UP AND HOLD IT UP FOR THEM. Hello Mam? Isnt it obvious that YOU have to do it yourself? I'm not paid to be your nets machine holder. What is worse is when they REPEATED the same gesture for their following subjects (u have to pay different subjects differently) Man, I was so pissed. If there's anything to be punched, its gotta be their face.

The worse has yet to come.

There are those who are so condesending to you just coz, to them, u're just a mere counter-girl, someone who possibly dropped out and have to do this shitty job of serving their fat flabbly foul-smelling asses. It doesnt help when their kids- who have not even gotten their PSLE certs- think the same way and treat u like shit. I mean, if they wanna do it tt way- Please get your A level certs before talking to me, if not, keep ur freaking mouth shut. I will prob complete my degree before u even get ur PSLE cert.

But can i trash it out on these think-their-so-smart-but-are-just-shit kids? No, coz I'm in a line where u've to smile no matter what happens- just like a senile in a mental hospital. A complete idiot. Pardon me, but its totally stupid to act silly when you're not one. Its like telling ppl, "Come! Drown me in your spit!" When inside, you feel like hurling them by their hair and spinning them around till they fly OUT of sight (like the way the headmistress does in Matilda). Plus, it seems fun to stuff the NETS machine into their mouths and make them swap their NETS card up their own asses.

Please man, be nice and I'll be sweet as an angel, if not, I'll be so mean u'll be sorry you even spoke to me.

I'm simply not fit to do Customer Service.

- Loves...

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Goldfish daunt me.Their whole existence seems kind of reproach. 'What is it all about?' they seem to be say. 'I swim here, I swim there. What for?' I cant stand looking at a goldfish swimming for more than 10 seconds without feeling like boxing its forehead (maybe tt's how luo han yu came about).

To my mind, the only possible pet is a cow. Cows love you. They are harmless, they look nice, they dun need a box to crap in, they keep the grass down and are so trusting and stupid that you cannot help but lose your heart to them. You can stand by the wall at any hour of the day or night and after minute the cows will all waddle over and stand with you, much too stupid to know what to do next, but happy just to be with you. They will listen to your problems and never ask a thing in return. And when you're tired of them, u can have juicy medium-rare Steak- black-pepper topping complete with soft mashed potatoes and carrots. Perfect.

- Loves...

Sunday, May 01, 2005

I'm SooOOooOo Glad to get into MASS Com!!!! The best part is that I'm NOT alone!!! MAry ann got in too!! Hope we can be in the same klass, same course, same dorm- same everything!! And Quanju got in to NTU Accountancy- with much blessing! Halelluia!!

Yeah.. that's adds on to Reasons-why-i-should-go-NTU coz for all I know, Before the surprising and almost-too-impossible letter for Mass Com Interview came, I had never dared to dream that I could possibly be accepted into such a course. Of cos I did once- back when i was in Primary school, when me and MAry ann drew magazines, write articles and pretended we're editors and agony aunts, (when we were still so very young and naive) - but i was immediately brought back to reality- Spelling "New York" as "New Yoke", and scoring only a pathetic 1110 for moi SAT?! (& i was so demoralised i din bother to retake it again) Nah.. Dream on. But Hey! Thanks to God, the dream did materialize.. in such a way that took me by surprise.

and so the long and boring story goes...

For it only took an extremely bored O' me to play with the order of moi choices (of studies) when dealing w admission into NTU- God knows why i did it! Anyway,it was to be moi back-up plan for NUS arts. And Mass Com was put down for fun.. (in all Grace and Modesty!) in no consideration nor hopes that i will be picked. So that split second kinda change everything... because I am PICKED.

Its kinda hard to explain to you, dear readers. All I can say is that I still feel like I'm dreaming- every day i wake up thinking "wad a wonderful dream!" and had to check and read my letter again only to think that I am still dreaming and had just only woken up from my sub-dream (if u know wad i mean).

Sheessh! That paragraph's so full of internal rhyme & Assonance!


- Loves...


Eunice Ho
NTU mass com


Yang Quanju
Bleach, D.Gray Man, NANA
Ouran High School Host Club
World of Warcraft


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