Thursday, September 13, 2007




This is the (not-so) Stealthy Nayra

Adventure at Mary Ann's house. LOL

- Loves...

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Really tired and stressed out. So many projects, so little time. And i miss quanju sooo much! Alas 320 presentation is on its way, i hope we do a marvelous job this friday.

Still more research.. and more shitt.. BUT there is always smth to rejoice about!

Here they are! i went all the way to Outram to meet Emily for these!!

Charmlings specially made by Emily! They are SOO CUTE aint they?

Toast and Egg =D

This one has Origiri and Waffles! ok bad lighting but their cuteness shines through!

Check out more cute stuff like these at Charmlings!

- Loves...

Saturday, September 01, 2007

I am SO SO SO BUZY.............................. T.T
I wish i can be free of ALL my worries, datelines and project meetings
and stone.
Stoning is my favorite hobby.
Quietly sitting , watching the world go by is also one of them.
At the moment i just wish i can have some sleep and a peek of Quanju

- Loves...

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I have decided to make it a point to study the map and roads of Singapore. I haven wasted too much petrol getting lost in this tiny island. I lost my way on the expressway and ended up at a construction site, did an illegal U-turn and still got lost...

but with Quanju, i had a walking-living GPS cum road directory with me =D I shall install him in my car.

- Loves...

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Hi the reason why i'm blogging this post is because i've finished all my animes and am waiting for new episodes to come out and that WOW server is down atm for 2h..

So as Xueyi or Chyne has asked, i shall post a new entry so she can read in when she reach Jiang Xi Ping Xiang, ... some rurual village in China, i really think she has a peddi field there although she kept insisting she doesnt!

Anyway, nothing much has happened. I'm not a very happening person, even if things do happen, i am way too lazy to post here. In fact, i took a good 30min trying to log in to blogger because i had forgotten my Username and PW since the last time i blogged was 2months ago. And even if there are happening things in my life- what makes you think i shld share it with you? hurhurhur!

- Loves...

Friday, April 20, 2007

My sister brought Donuts from Donuts Factory!! I've not tried any coz i'm damn full with MOS burger but i hear it saying "EAT ME!!!!!" She Queued 2h to buy it!! and yes sadly i was too lazy to post up the pictures of it.

My little sis is anorexic, its worrying she is realy so thin and skinny, Skinnier than ME. Now if anyone who is skinnier than me she is either anorexic or really just have skinny genes but it shld be obvious. I prefer her chubby, in fact she looks MUCH better when she is chubby and she has more life too. I really hope she fattens up coz i dont want to lose her. And i still wanan eat the stuff she makes.

- Loves...

OK i'm finally done with Rime of the Ancient Mariner.. and i sure hope i dont have to write an essay on it- coz i have no idea how to relate to "New Poetic Voice"

things to do after exams:
1) play WOW!! (get my epic flying mount and Tier 4 gears!)
2) Make Joanne play WOW
3) Play Basketball (this has abit of problem since ah pehs dont like to play with 'xiaomei')
4) Shopping! I need a new bag and new clothes.. and new necklances..
5) Fishing!!! Yes, Quanju pls bring me to a lake where they are many many fishes!
6) Watch all my animes
7) tidy up my room.. i wish i can get a new shelf
8) Eat buffets......
9) Stone all by myself in my comfortable little room
10) WOW and Bball again.

- Loves...

Sigh Damn siannnn Mary Ann always get me really nice and delicious jobs and i always cannot make it due to the following reasons:
1) Cell retreat
2) Cell
3) Special Semster
4) Driving Test (THIS IS THE WORSE)

to miss any jobs because of the 1st 3 options is perfectly fine. To miss them because of a stupid driving test is retarded!! Whyyyyyy must my test be in such an odd date?? WHY must i fail the 1st time?? WHY is it seems that i'm fated to not work (again) this holiday?? WHYYY i'm never able to find a job which allows me to take 1 day off for the test nor a good 2 month temporary job which WILL allow leave of 1 day for that stupid test. Ok its hard to commit when i have so many things on BUT still, its damn suay that the period of work HAS to clash with SOME of my holiday activities.. THis is just damn unfortunate!

I think i'm fated to WOW this holiday away.

- Loves...

Cant wait for holidays. Xiangting is right, the only things i ever blog abt is mainly holidays and thats because i only blog during exams where I HAVE to keep myself AWAY from WOW and hence with just a computer i blog random retarded things to entertain myself.

I'm begining to be like a geek - with WOW addiction and stuff. I even bought a set of Bleach postcards for myself omg. Somehow these days i always wonder what to do with my life. Like what am i going to be next time. My furthest thought is to be married to Quanju and have kids. but then i still have to complete my degree in case any unfortunate things happen i am needed to support the family. I realised how far into the future i have thought compared to most of my friends. Yet none is about jobs nor career. I really dont feel like working. I know i'm not a very sociable person, yet only till now have i realised i'm more anti-social than i thought i am, i dont really like meeting new people somehow, i am not good at making friends. Thank God i still have some, i wonder how they pop into my life, its a miracle.

And i so miss basketball, i love it like how Joanne loves her dance, i can just imagine her joy & disappointments in it. I wish i can still play compeitive basketball but it usually dies at A'Div (for gals) unless i wanan play for some random team which usually has no team spirit. A team with a strong team spirit is hard to come by, i really miss SA bball team. I miss training. Now that even Mr Tan has gone to China, there seems to be nthg left even if i go back, the old SAJC bball court is no longer there, the new one feels soo cold and unfeeling, absolutely void of the nostalgia of 2003.

Kuchiki Rukia kicks Ass!!!!

- Loves...

Sunday, April 15, 2007

My food is always always burnt each time i toast it in the toaster-oven. I really had prefered the old one. This new one is too.. eager to burn my food. Its has an insane desire to radiate heat with all its might regardless of how long its put to be. Whether it is 2min or 5 min - the result is always still burnt - its simply a matter of how black it turned out to be. it really spoils my appetite coz i've to spend time peeling off the burnt parts piece by piece and chewing off the 'saved' parts- its retarded omg. I end up eating only half of wadever i heated. Nothing beats the time it started a fire at 6am while heating up a piece of pattie for my burger (apparently the the cheese inside oozed out and got cooked till the aluminim foil underneath it caught fire) So dumb right? What a retared toaster.

Today i also burnt off some of the hair on my arm. It happened coz i was trying to start a fire to cook my noodles and the gas was too much so the initial flames got too big and had a mild contact with my right arm. I only realised something was wrong when i saw tiny black dots on my arm and after i washed it away, i realised it was soot and my hair in the area was burnt off leaving short tiny strands only. I wonder if hair really gets burnt off so easily? I feel sorry for the guy at MA's friend's wedding whose hair caught fire - he must have lost quite a bit of hair.

If u're thinking Why is Eunice blogging such retarded things, truth is, she also doesnt know- its just what CS814 does to you. Its so boring she has to blog retarded things to entertain herself.

- Loves...

bored.............................................. with CS814 so bored i've checked out all the online shopping sites and came to blog this post to say i'm bored.

What a BORING subject.... if its not for the compulsory science module i'd not have taken it. I think they are trying to make our lives difficult! To think Science students get to take some EASY art subjects WHY do we have to take THREE compulsory science mod?? WHYYYYY...!! Its damn unfair lah! i rather take 3 business ones - counting and mangagement is so much better than learning how to draw a idontwadsitsname graph/plot/table.

And this coming special sem i've to take my LAST science mod - History of Great Inventions. Great. It better not be TVs and Telephones or Cars or INTERNET nooooo!!! There are so many Great inventions i hope they choose the more interesting ones like... waffles.

- Loves...


Eunice Ho
NTU mass com


Yang Quanju
Bleach, D.Gray Man, NANA
Ouran High School Host Club
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